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-Wan Siti Aisyah-
Kelantan & Selangor, Malaysia
# Counselor to be, insyaAllah~ # Currently work at Tadika Khalifah Bestari~ # Loved my students, children, baby & kids so much~ # Loved Allah & prophet S.A.W more then others~ # Independent, talkative, loving, sensitive, caring person~
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Single Parent Family & Dual Career Family

Bismillah. Selawat & salam buat junjungan Rasulullah SAW serta kaum kerabat baginda.

Sempena final exam saya yang bakal menjelma pada minggu hadapan (29/11), saya nak kongsi salah satu topic dalam subjek Family Counseling iaitu Single Parent & Dual Career Family. Semoga bermanfaat=)


One of the most striking changes in family structure over the last twenty years has been the increase of single parent families. In this family there is only one parent in the household raising the children. Due to high divorce rates and adults choosing not to marry, this is currently the fastest growing family form in North America. More than half of all children will spend some of their lives in a single-parent family. Currently, 88 percent of these families are headed by women.

In 1970, the number of single parent families with children under the age of 18 was 3.8 million; by 1990 the number had more than doubled to 9.7 million. For the first time in history, children are most likely to live in a single parent family for reasons other than the death of a parent. One in four children are born with their mothers not married, usually teenage mothers. One of the most expensive things for a single parent is child care.

Too often children living in single parent households have to contend with negative stereotypes and hurtful remarks made by insensitive adults. Regardless of whether the single parent family exists as result of divorce or death of the other parent, or the parent choosing not to marry, the child is clearly not responsible for the circumstances. However, it is often the child who pays the price. On the other hand, single families often have less tension compared to the tension in families before divorce. With reduced tension, the single parent can focus more clearly on the child’s needs. Usually parents and children are more willing to co-operate with each other to find solutions to solve household problems in single parent families. 


Advice to running a happy Dual Career Family:
  • Maximize your organization and scheduling abilities; use time management.
  • At least once a week or once every two weeks plan a night out. A regular outing will help you remember that life is more than work and household responsibilities.
  • Dedicate some time only to yourself. This lets you get your thoughts and tasks in order.
  • When you feel you can't keep up with everything (taking care of the kids, cooking, maintaining your career performance, mowing the lawn, etc.), ask for help. Utilize your parents or, if you can afford it, hire some part-time help.
  • Communication is essential! Take advantage of every second you are together in order to remind your partner how much she or he means to you.
  • Try to get rid of stress in places other than home: instead of letting an argument or a work problem get you down, go to the gym, take a jog, or find something fun and physical you and your partner can do together.
Adapt these suggestions to you and your partner's personality and you're sure to make it work. Remember a successful career you love is reason to be proud, so support your significant other in any career movements that make him or her happy.



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November 25, 2010

Single Parent Family & Dual Career Family

Bismillah. Selawat & salam buat junjungan Rasulullah SAW serta kaum kerabat baginda.

Sempena final exam saya yang bakal menjelma pada minggu hadapan (29/11), saya nak kongsi salah satu topic dalam subjek Family Counseling iaitu Single Parent & Dual Career Family. Semoga bermanfaat=)


One of the most striking changes in family structure over the last twenty years has been the increase of single parent families. In this family there is only one parent in the household raising the children. Due to high divorce rates and adults choosing not to marry, this is currently the fastest growing family form in North America. More than half of all children will spend some of their lives in a single-parent family. Currently, 88 percent of these families are headed by women.

In 1970, the number of single parent families with children under the age of 18 was 3.8 million; by 1990 the number had more than doubled to 9.7 million. For the first time in history, children are most likely to live in a single parent family for reasons other than the death of a parent. One in four children are born with their mothers not married, usually teenage mothers. One of the most expensive things for a single parent is child care.

Too often children living in single parent households have to contend with negative stereotypes and hurtful remarks made by insensitive adults. Regardless of whether the single parent family exists as result of divorce or death of the other parent, or the parent choosing not to marry, the child is clearly not responsible for the circumstances. However, it is often the child who pays the price. On the other hand, single families often have less tension compared to the tension in families before divorce. With reduced tension, the single parent can focus more clearly on the child’s needs. Usually parents and children are more willing to co-operate with each other to find solutions to solve household problems in single parent families. 


Advice to running a happy Dual Career Family:
  • Maximize your organization and scheduling abilities; use time management.
  • At least once a week or once every two weeks plan a night out. A regular outing will help you remember that life is more than work and household responsibilities.
  • Dedicate some time only to yourself. This lets you get your thoughts and tasks in order.
  • When you feel you can't keep up with everything (taking care of the kids, cooking, maintaining your career performance, mowing the lawn, etc.), ask for help. Utilize your parents or, if you can afford it, hire some part-time help.
  • Communication is essential! Take advantage of every second you are together in order to remind your partner how much she or he means to you.
  • Try to get rid of stress in places other than home: instead of letting an argument or a work problem get you down, go to the gym, take a jog, or find something fun and physical you and your partner can do together.
Adapt these suggestions to you and your partner's personality and you're sure to make it work. Remember a successful career you love is reason to be proud, so support your significant other in any career movements that make him or her happy.



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